About Us
Trails to the Boundary Society was formed in 2015 by a group of individuals from across the West Boundary who shared a vision for regional community development.
We formed in 2015 with a vision for regional community development
Each director held leadership roles in their own community and brought lifelong professional experience to the table.
Although our name contains the word “trails”, and trail promotion and development are a key part of our work, we are not a “trails” society. We purposely named ourselves “Trails TO the Boundary”, to focus on bringing economic and community development to the area, and to acknowledge that the rail trail connects our communities.
Our trail work is multi-faceted: trail management, maintaining amenities, education about trail etiquette, working with neighbouring property owners, working with Boundary Invasive Species Society to mitigate spread of weeds, formal referrals through Rec Sites Trails, advisory, advocacy, emergency management and messaging, fundraising, education, promotion of active lifestyle, events on the rail trail, promoting the trail locally, regionally, nationally and international collaborations.
In other community development we promote responsible tourism, create attractions (heritage development, Indigenous cultural spaces, birding materials & events) and amenities, support business development, operate a year-round full-service visitor information centre, support other non-profits in the West Boundary, support service delivery across the area, support communication (through our website and community newsletter), provide youth employment opportunities, education & socialization for seniors, promotion of local arts, crafts & food products, liaise with neighbouring communities, emergency preparedness and food security.
Governance Structure
Trails to the Boundary is a non-profit society, incorporated in BC.
We are a directors-only society. There is provision for 7 directors, representing each of the main areas in the West Boundary:
- Big White
- Beaverdell
- Westbridge
- Bridesville
- Rock Creek
- Midway
- Greenwood
When a director steps down, a new director from that area is chosen by the remaining directors. Criteria for selection include active involvement in their home community, a background that brings varied skill sets to the table and a passion for regional development.

The purpose of the Society is to create and support community development throughout the West Boundary, B.C. The aims of the Society are as follows:
- To strengthen the economy in the West Boundary by:
- support and develop trails and amenities;
- pursue initiatives which support the local tourism sector; and
- work with partners and establish opportunities for collaboration.
- To develop and operate programs or initiatives that contribute to the well-being of residents in the West Boundary, encompassing
- mobilizing, training and supporting volunteers to assist with delivery of the Society’s activities;
- inclusion of all demographics of people with respect to the Society’s activities;
- ensuring consistent communication of the Society’s activities, programs, and local issues to both residents and visitors;
- To develop projects which preserve and provide education on the heritage of the West Boundary area.
- To support Indigenous reconciliation and education.
- To develop and manage community facilities that support the above stated purposes.
History of the Trails to the Boundary
Trails to the Boundary was incorporated in May 2015.
Vicki Gee, the elected official for Area E at the time, recounts how the society came to be incorporated:
I attended a public presentation in Midway by Rec Sites Trails BC and was convinced of the value to the West Boundary that could come with local management of the rail trail. I brought a request to the RDKB to ask if they would assume a partnership agreement with the Province to do that.
My fellow directors at that time had reservations about getting involved at the regional district level and advised me to “create a non-profit to take on the partnership agreement”.
At the same time, I was meeting with Grace McGregor, elected official for Christina Lake, and Sandy Mark, an economic development practitioner working for Christina Gateway Community Development Association.
I saw how they had taken charge of economic development for their area and copied much of what they did. Several years later, Riverside Centre, was inspired by the Welcome Centre at Christina Lake.
Annual Reports

RDKB Funding:
- Part-time, year-round Trail Coordinator position
- Part-time, seasonal Trail Manager position
- Part-time, year-round partially funded Economic Development position
- Part-time, year-round Website Administrator
- Annual, regional ad in Boundary Country magazine
Government Funding:
- Province of BC, Rec Sites Trails provides some funding toward trail maintenance costs.
- Destination BC provides some funding toward operation of full-service, year-round Visitor Information Centre.
Special Projects Funding:
- BC150 Time Immemorial Grant, Province of BC
- Canada Summer Jobs Program (Government of Canada)
- Community Services Recovery Fund, Government of Canada
- Economic Trust of the Southern Interior
- FortisBC Community Investment Grant
- New Horizons for Seniors (Government of Canada)
- Osoyoos Credit Union Community Giving Grant
- REDIP (Rural Economic Diversification & Infrastructure), Province of BC
- Trans Canada Trails Society
- West Boundary Community Forest Inc.

Agreements & Programs
Trails to the Boundary Society holds Grant Funding Agreements with the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary for delivery of services (Regional Parks & Trails, Economic Development).
We also hold two Lease Agreements:
- For management of Kettle Valley Schoolhouse property
- For management of Riverside Centre
We hold two Partnership Agreements with the Province (Rec Sites Trails BC):
- For stewardship of 155 km or rail trail from Eholt to McCullough
- For Kettle River Horse Trails in Rock Creek

- BC Parks
- BC Trails Society
- Boundary Country BC
- Boundary Food Security Network
- Boundary Invasive Species Society
- Boundary Regional Chamber of Commerce
- Destination BC
- Ferry County Rail Trail
- Grand Forks Community Trails Society
- Greenwood Board of Trade
- Highway 3 Coalition & Corridor Planning
- International Indigenous Tourism Association
- International Trails Meetings, Arnie Marchand
- Kettle River Watershed Advisory
- Kettle Valley Rail Trail Master Plan
- Kettle Wildlife Association
- MP Richard Cannings, bird activities
- TOTA (Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association)
- Trans Canada Trail Society (National)
- Trails Master Plan Advisory
- Tri Country Economic Development District