What’s New: Snowy Tribal Trails Snowshoeing

Snowy Tribal Trails

How to Participate: Register by email to Red Earth, redearthways@gmail.com  Provide mailing address, other contact information, age.
Snowshoe: At Kettle Valley Recreation Area every Sunday 12-2pm. If you are borrowing snowshoes please email Red Earth to register so snowshoe handling includes care due to covid precautions.
Note: you can rent snowshoes until March 14 for a fully refundable deposit. See KVRA ON SUNDAYS
This means you can snowshoe anytime, anywhere, any day of the week. Any place you like!
Take photos! Show us where you went!.
Post to Snowy Tribal Trails facebook page or email to RedEarthWays@gmail.com
Win Prizes! Draws happen every week for regional participants on the Snowy Tribal Trails zoom calls.
– Youngest and Oldest of all sessions (end of season draw)
– The most number of places snowshoed by March 7
– Decorated snowshoe draw
– Medicine of the Week find
– Over 15 km snowshoed by Feb 28
– Snowshoed 2x or less
Feb. 14 Giveaway! Draw for one size 25 pair of snowshoes. Draw will be done during Snowy Tribal Trails zoom call.
Need Snowshoes to borrow? There are two ways…
Rent for the season. Rent now, return March 14, 2021. Snowshoe any time you want until the end of the season. A deposit is required and is fully refundable once the snowshoes are returned in good condition. Email RedEarthWays@gmail.com
Need a pair just for the Sunday at Kettle River Recreation Area? Email or make request on Facebook so they can be brought to the park on Sunday. No extras will be available due to Covid precautions.
What will happen at the Recreation Area (Park)?
– Judy will be at the entrance every Sunday to send the groups off. Snowshoers are encouraged to stay in their safe groups.
Please physical distance and wear a mask if you must be in close contact with people outside your group. Snowshoes will be supplied for those who have made prior requests.
11:45-12:00 – Sign in: (masks must be worn in gathering area)
– Covid kits supplied (one time only for each person)
– Healthy snacks supplied
– Opportunity for photos
1200 : Smudge is lit. People can smudge individually.
– Treasure Trail is identified for the day.
(Treasure Trail Map is also posted on Snowy Tribal Trails Facebook page.)
1205-1215: Drumming, song, Prayer to the land.
Send off to those on the trail.
130-200: Snowshoes of the day will be collected, signed out
– More photo opportunities