What’s New: Rock Creek Community Medical Society Announcements

The Rock Creek Community Medical Society sincerely wants to thank the Vancouver Foundation for its recent grant of $1,666.66 towards the continuation of its full Country Kids Playschool program. This grant will offset the negative impact COVID-19 had on the attendance in the program.  The Society also wants to thank the Phoenix Foundation, out of Grand Forks, for facilitating the award of this grant.

The Rock Creek Community Medical Society is pleased to announce that Michelle Walker has begun to work as a Medical Officer Assistant as of February 1, 2021 in conjunction with Sharon Cote.  She is replacing Bonnie Edstrom who official retired on December 31, 2020.  Michelle comes with administrative experience in her former work at Okanagan College.  Welcome Michelle!

On January 12, 2021, our recently elected MLA for Boundary-Similkameen and newly appointed Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Development, Roly Russell, had an opportunity to visit the Rock Creek Medical Centre.  He was given a guided tour of the facility by the President and Vice-president of the Society.  In addition, he had an opportunity to meet the senior Nurse Practitioner and the office staff.  He was also made acquainted with the health services offered through the Centre as provided by a full-time and half-time Nurse Practitioners, a Nurse one day a week, medical doctor specializing in internal medicine one or two or days a week, a half-time Social Worker, a chiropractor one day a week, a massage therapist one or two days a week, Mental Health services, and a Country Kids Playschool program every Monday and Wednesday mornings.
One reason Roly Russell visited the Medical Centre is to get a better understanding of what health care services are available in the Rock Creek/Westbridge/Bridesville region and how current health care services are being delivered in rural areas.  He appreciated the challenges faced by the Centre under the added pressure on the staff as a result of the COVID-19 regulations.  This also includes the need to do some renovations that would make the delivery of health care facilities more safely and efficient under COVID-19 guidelines.  However, the Society currently goes not have the funds to do any renovations.  Once the necessary funds have been received, the Society can proceed with these renovations.  All donations towards this project are eligible for a tax deductible receipt.  For more information on this project, please contact Harald Zinner at hgzinner@gmail.com or 250-446-2517.