Dear Businesses and Residents surrounding the Bridesville Area,
Please take a moment to read this notice about the filming of an independent TV series entitled ‘Ellen’. We would like to provide some information that will help you prepare for our arrival and anticipate how our presence may affect your daily routine.
Below is an approximate breakdown of our filming activities:
We will be filming in the area starting October 20th and ending November 24th. During this time we will be storing all our work vehicles and trailers at the Highway pull off by the Bridesville Cemetery. We will be using the Bridesville Community Hall during the weekdays to hold our talent/ take our meals in. We will be filming a siege on a farm starting the last week of October so you will hear gunshots some of the days. These will be not be live ammunition.
Oddfellows is a local production company from Vancouver. We are taking the following steps to insure the public is safe from Covid-19:
– A covid officer will be present to monitor the team working on the production including temperature checks, contact tracing and providing hand sanitizer and masks.
-Each team member will socially distance themselves from members of the public and wear masks at all times. Any team member with symptoms of Covid-19 will be sent home immediately.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation during our work and your continued support of the BC Film Industry. Our crew is grateful to film in the area and we are mindful of any concerns. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 306-280-7812 should you have any questions and/or concerns.
Alex, Assistant Locations Manager