Presented by Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN)
Free registration: https://cbeen.ca/workshops/
Thursday, February 24 – 4pm Pacific / 7pm Eastern
With Sinixt Storytellers and Knowledge-keepers Marilyn James and Taress Alexis
Sinixt Storytellers and Knowledge-keepers Marilyn James and Taress Alexis will share some of the story behind the new edition of their educational resource, Not Extinct: Keeping the Sinixt Way. Through lively story and discussions by the authors, each chapter of this beautiful resource illuminates the Sinixt relationship with their watershed and their quest to reclaim their rights and responsibilities in their x?a?x?a? t?mx?úla?x?, their sacred homeland.
Their perspectives represent the interest of increasing numbers of people in developing respectful and decolonizing relationships among Indigenous and settler peoples and to inspire the work of reversing the Sinixt extinction. Join them all to meet the trickster Snk?lip and the other Animal Beings who people the stories of the captik??, the Sinixt oral history.