Midway Public Library AGM
Thursday, March 17th at 6:30 pm via Zoom online
The library serves the residents of Midway and area E
All Midway Public Library card holders are entitled to vote at the A.G.M.
Trustees wanted.
The role of trustee is to oversee policy and finance and support the Library Director who manages day to day operations. Knowledge of the library world is not a requirement. There are workshops, information sharing sessions and access to individual supports through the B.C. Library Trustees Association and the Kootenay Library Federation. A background in business or the not for profit sector is helpful but not necessary.. What is really required is a belief in the importance of libraries and a willingness to learn and participate in governance. We would especially like to hear from younger members of the community.
For more information call Lynda at 250-449-2897 or
E mail the library at: midwaypubliclibrary@gmail.com.