Event: Main River Women’s Institute Quilt & Fibre Arts Show + Outdoor Market
Date: Sunday, June 11th
Time: 10 am to 2 pm
Location: Westbridge Community Hall, 2935 Hwy 33 in Westbridge.
Details: Our Main River WI is holding a fundraising Quilt & Fibre Arts Show + Outdoor Market. The Quilt & Fibre Arts Show + Lunch will be held inside the Westbridge Hall. Admission is $10 per person, and the organizer for this portion is Lynne McKillican.
The Outdoor Market will be held on the grounds of the Westbridge Hall, with vendors from around the West Boundary. Each booth space will be 10′ x 10′ and the price is $10 per vendor. There is limited cellular service on the property, so vendors may not be able to easily use their phones for square payments. Registration ahead of time is mandatory, and closes on June 1st. The main organizer for the Market is Sherri Doratti, sdesertes1@gmail.com
Some information about our Westbridge WI Group:
Our Main River Women’s Institute group has 7 members. In addition to raising money by selling crafts, plants, baking and other items at the Westbridge Thrift Shop, we usually have an Annual Valentine’s Quilt Show. During Covid, we were unable to hold our Quilt Show due to restrictions. We decided this past spring that we would have a Summer Quilt & Fibre Arts show and lunch, and the idea of hosting a market as well was born. Our group is active in the community, and our funds raised all go back into the community. We donate many bags to the Grand Forks Hospital each year, each filled with shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste and other essentials. If a person is admitted to the hospital unexpectedly, it is a small but positive gesture to have basic essentials provided. We also participate in the Boundary Senior Secondary School Bursary, and donate to local families and individuals in need through the year. We also donate to BC Children’s Hospital, host the Westbridge Recreation Society Annual Dinner, donate to Kettle River Food Share, the Greenwood New Moms, and the Lions Easter Dinner.