What’s New: June 2023 Kettle River Echo is now online to read

Thanks to all the great volunteers for yet another super Kettle River Echo newsletter for June 2023.  In it you will find articles on the 89th Annual Harpur Ranch Cattle Drive, BCSS Graduations, Song Bird Ranch Birding Day, Westbridge Recreation Society- recipients of the Osoyoos Credit Union Community Giving Grant and the ‘Keeping It Rural’ Conference that was held in Kelowna.  There is also a memorial to the late Ann Rexin, who was a longtime resident of the Rock Creek area. One unique article highlights Greenwood history and has information about the Walking Tours that are being held through the summer.

Included is another wonderful musing by Liz Bryan, an article from Boundary Invasives, upcoming Boundary Food Hub Meetings, an update from the Rock Creek Medical Society and much more.  If you choose to receive unaddressed ad mail in your post office box and live in the West Boundary,  you will receive a paper copy to read at your leisure.

To read the June 2023 Kettle River Echo in its entirety, click here.