The Rock Creek Medical Society serves the Communities in the Rock Creek, Westbridge, Bridesville and Beaverdell regions.
RCCMS is a Registered Charity.
Their address is:
Rock Creek Health Centre
P.O. Box 9
100 Rock Creek Cutoff Road
Rock Creek, BC V0H 1Y0
Telephone: 250-446-2272
About the Society:
This non-profit Charity is made up entirely of volunteers. Any adult residing in Area ‘E’/West Boundary of the Regional District Kootenay Boundary can join RCCMS. RCCMS provides and maintains the Health Centre building and grounds.
Health Service Staff
Celia Evanson – Nurse Practitioner
Niki Hogan – Nurse Practitioner
Erin Carlin – Social Worker
Nicole Antoshyn – Nurse
Dr. Christine Simpson – Internal Medicine Specialist
Bonnie Edstrom Medical Office Assistant
Sharon Cote Medical Office Assistant
Clinic is open Tues., Wed., Thurs. & Fri.
Mental Health and Addiction Counselling through Interior Health:
For appointments call cell 250-442-6330.
Stop the Violence Counselling Program under the Boundary Women’s Coalition. Call 250-442-3131.
Other Programs Offered:
Chiropractor:Dr. Tamara Kornelson Cell phone:250-449-1364
Services for Children: Country Kids Playschool – 250-449-5062
Every Monday and Wednesday mornings from September to June led by Karen Fillo and assistant Mary Anne Dennis.
Massage Therapy: Stacy Elliott at 250-528-0177
The Kettle River Lions: The Lions meet every second and fourth Thursday at 7:00 pm in the boardroom of the Medical Centre.
Other activities at the Centre include film presentations, discussion groups, community-related seminars and meetings of other organizations.
A Historical Pioneer Park with some Gymnastic Equipment – This area is open year round to the public and exhibits a number of rare photos of old Rock Creek.
For room reservations, call Harald Zinner : 250-446-2517
Basic Philosophies:
The Society came into existence because some local residents felt the need for a facility concerned about health for young and old, physical, mental and spiritual. They believed in helping your neighbours first before donating to other worthy causes abroad.
The Society has charitable status, which means that anyone making a donation to the Society will receive a charitable tax receipt.
The Society can also receive property and/or money designated to the Society in a will. The Society will gladly refer to legal and accounting advice to facilitate appropriate recognition of such donors.
All recognize that health services in a rural area are not what one could expect in an urban area. However, the Society believes that adequate services can and will continue to be provided in a professional manner by competent local practitioners and with the aid of advancing technologies.
Small Communities Need People With Big Hearts:
The Community of Rock Creek is well known for citizens with the spirit of volunteering. Over 40 years ago, it was recognized that Rock Creek needed a medical clinic with professional equipment staffed by professional health care providers.
That was when the property was donated by Anton Bartelings in Memory of his wife, Nadia.
Now it is a matter of maintaining a building suitable for medical services and keeping the grounds accessible during summer and winter.
Recently, Interior Health provided additional funding so that the Medical Clinic is now open 4 days/week, Tuesday to Friday. Recent updates at the Clinic include acquiring new examination tables including a power table, installing an electric door opener and renovating the ramp and deck to make it more slip proof. The business community is often helpful in providing services sometimes free of charge or at their cost.
Current Executive:
President: Harald Zinner (250-446-2517)
Vice President: Stephen Kirkham
Treasurer: Cathy Abed (604-351-2794)
Secretary: Vivien Scott
Directors: Sharon Cote
Bonnie Edstrom
Sandy Fairburn
Gerald Feist
Gail McLean
Patricia O’Brien
Hazel Self
Monthly Meetings:
The Rock Creek Community Medical Society (RCCMS) holds monthly meetings the first Thursday of every month in the boardroom of the Health Centre at 7:00 pm. This is for all members and directors.
Everyone is welcomed to attend.
RCCMS works hard to ensure that present services are available to everyone in the West Boundary. We advocate to the provincial and federal governments for additional services as we become aware of community needs.
We facilitate the delivery of some government health and social services which are paid for by the government. In 2020, Interior Health approved an additional ½ time Nurse Practitioner and a ½ time Social Worker to the Rock Creek Medical Centre.
All members and directors give freely of their own time and resources to ensure that there is a place where services can be provided in a professional environment. RCCMS receives funds from the community and other grant agencies. Donations are always appreciated. We accept gifts in “memory of …” or “in lieu of flowers”. Confidential arrangements can be made with any director. All personal gifts are eligible for a tax deductible receipt.