Rock Creek Medical Society: Grants and Donations Update



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The Rock Creek Medical Centre in Rock Creek has been the scene of a facility expansion project this past Fall and Winter.  The Regional District Kootenay Boundary, through the efforts of Area E Director, Sharon Gibbs, approved a grant of $1,500 at its January Board meeting.  The Rock Creek Community Medical Society appreciates this grant as the expansion project is being completed.  This grant supplements two other major grants, one by the Kettle River Lions Club and one by the Osoyoos Credit Union as well as two large private donations and a number of smaller private donations as well as the volunteers who provided the labour for this project.

The Regional District Kootenay Boundary approved a second Grant-in Aid grant of $780 through the efforts of Sharon Gibbs. This grant enables the Rock Creek Community Medical Society to facilitate the use of space in the Rock Creek Medical Centre by the Community Action Program for Children (CAPC) to offer the West Boundary Family Connections Program. This program is offered every Friday for the period from January to June 2024 for families with young children.  The Rock Creek Community Medical Society really appreciates these two grants in support of being able to provide services to the Rock Creek./Westbridge/ Bridesville area.

The Society has received several capital grants from the Regional District Kootenay Boundary over the past number of years through the efforts of our previous Area E Director, Vicki Gee.  These grants have assisted the Rock Creek Community Medical Society to maintain the Rock Creek Medical Centre facility so that the Society can continue to provide community services both for the children and their families of the Rock Creek/Westbridge/Bridesville region as well a variety of health services.