RDKB Watershed Article: Did you know that plants are nature’s engineers?

At the Burrell Creek Rural Riparian Project site, we’re using two bioengineering techniques to help restore the riparian area: brush layering, and live bank protection. These methods are being used to help establish some of the trees and shrubs from the list we discussed last week. They work towards the goal of growing a strong plant presence in areas of heavy soil erosion and where there are currently no or few trees and shrubs present. 

Brush layering is similar to live staking, but the stakes are planted horizontally or at an angle to maximize their growth and stabilization potential. An optimal area for brush layering is along natural benches and terraces that have formed during erosion events. The stakes are pushed into the soil, loose material is spread over the stakes, and more layers are added. The live stakes collected for brush layering keep their side branches, which introduces complexity as well as increased surface area within the layering system. This woven system of branches and backfill will help to increase the soil stability. 

The live bank protection was created in areas with moderate erosion that could be susceptible to severe erosion during a high-energy flood event. Cottonwood stakes were inserted vertically to act as upright posts along the base of the cutbank. Long willow and cottonwood stakes were woven into a fence-like structure using the “posts” as stabilizers. When possible, these fences (called wattle fences) are backfilled and can be planted into with trees and shrubs. This living fence will help stabilize the bank and protect the newly filled and planted areas behind them. 

Further work will be done in 2025, adding large woody debris into the cutbanks where erosion has caused severe damage and planting alone will not be enough to stabilize the banks. Make sure to keep following along as this project continues! 

Check out the post at facebook.com/BIWS.RDKB for details on how this is included in the Rural Riparian project here in the Boundary.