What’s New: RDKB Region Drought Response Plan

The Province has just increased the Kettle River Watershed to a Drought Level 4 (Extremely Dry). Information on recommended actions associated with the Drought Level 4 can be found in the (DRAFT) RDKB Boundary Region Drought Response Plan (2021) and the BC Drought and Water Scarcity Response Plan (2021). Above all, continue to reduce or even eliminate your non-essential indoor and outdoor water use. Use water when the timing is right to get the most benefit out of it.  Every drop counts.

Click here to read a short summary of current conditions (1 page) and a few graphs. I am attending a regional Provincial Drought update meetings weekly, if there is any information you would like me to share with the Province at these meetings please let me know.

As the Boundary rivers need precipitation for flows to increase, we are now waiting for rain (and a fair amount of it) to help relieve the current drought conditions. Based on Provincial Fisheries Guidelines for the Boundary region, the overall goal for ecosystem protection for the Boundary rivers is around 10% Mean Annual Discharge (MAD), that below 5% MAD can result in critical stress on aquatic systems.

I will continue to update the RDKB Watershed Planning page as new information is presented: https://rdkb.com/Environment/Watershed-Planning

Here’s to being Fire and Water Smart


Kristina Andersen, Watershed Planner

Regional District of the Kootenay Boundary

Toll-Free 1.877.520.7352