RDKB Information Bulletin
Trail, BC
10:30 a.m.
For Immediate Release
Sand and Bags Available Starting THIS AFTERNOON
Boundary residents are asked to prepare for the possibility of flooding, advises the RDKB Emergency Operations Centre. With increasing temperatures and the possibility of heavy precipitation in the forecast later this week, waters are expected to rise. Current models show that levels could be similar to those in 2018. Conditions can change throughout the week. The RDKB continues to monitor the situation and will provide updates as necessary.
Should you need sand and/or bags, please pick them up at the locations listed below starting this afternoon (please note you will need to fill the bags with sand):
Grand Forks & Area D: (see attached maps for location of sand & bags and flood control works)
- 18th St at Kettle River Drive (beside cemetery north of Dog Park)
- Grand Forks Arena (west side of building)
- Morrissey Creek Rd at ATV Staging Area
- Grand Forks Airport
- Barbara Ann Park off Riverside Drive
Christina Lake: Fire Hall
Rock Creek: Riverside Centre
Westbridge: Westbridge Community Hall
Greenwood: Public Works Yard
Midway: Public Works Yard
Please stay clear of fast-flowing watercourses and potentially unstable river and creek banks.
Check https://emergency.rdkb.com/ for updates and information on emergency preparedness.
If you haven’t already done so, please sign up for our Emergency Notification System at https://voyent-alert.com/ca/community/#registration