Trail, BC
May 29, 2020
7:00 p.m. PT
RDKB issues evacuation alerts to about 2,300 residents in the Boundary
– Widespread flooding possible in the Kettle River watershed with rain on snow forecast
View on the RDKB emergency website:
The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Emergency Operations Centre has issued an evacuation alert for 1137 properties across the Boundary, impacting an estimated 2,300 residents.
Due to the forecasted hot weather and heavy rainfall, a Boundary wide Evacuation Alert has been issued for properties within the 200 year floodplain and properties with potential for bank erosion. The area under Evacuation Alert extends from Carmi on the West Kettle River to Christina Lake.
At this time residents are not required to evacuate, however, residents are encouraged to find accommodation with friends or family in a safe place before rivers rise, which is expected to take place between Sunday, May 31 and Tuesday, June 2. Residents who choose to remain at home should be ready to leave the area with very short notice.
This alert may be followed by an immediate order to evacuate should conditions worsen.
A map of the areas now on evacuation alert, as well as a list of properties is attached.
Residents on evacuation alert should prepare including getting grab-and-go bags ready (which should include several days of clothing, toiletries and medications), reviewing their emergency plan, gathering copies of important documents and mementos, and arranging for alternate accommodation.
Earlier on May 29, the RDKB Chair and mayors of Grand Forks, Greenwood and Midway declared a states of local emergency that are now in place for the entire Boundary region including the electoral areas C/Christina Lake, D/Rural Grand Forks and E/West Boundary as well as the municipalities of Grand Forks, Greenwood and Midway.
On May 28, the BC River Forecast Centre issued a Flood Watch for the Boundary Region including the Kettle River, West Kettle River, Granby River and tributaries. This means that river levels are rising and will approach or may exceed bank-full. Flooding of areas adjacent to affected rivers may occur.
Environment Canada has issued a Special Weather Statement that forecasts strong thunderstorms with frequent lightning and very strong wind gusts Saturday and Sunday. Heavy rain may accompany these storms and widespread rainfall will accompany the low-pressure system Saturday night and Sunday which may strain local rivers.
To register for the RDKB Emergency Alerting System go to
For more information about how to prepare for the 2020 freshet, visit
Sandbags and sand are currently available for residents in the following locations free of charge:
• Beaverdell behind the Fire Hall
• Westbridge Hall
• Riverside Centre in Rock Creek
• Grand Forks Arena
Residents must bring their own tools and equipment (shovels, transportation) and respect a physical distance of two metres (six feet) between workers as they fill sandbags. Anyone at risk of flooding should stay informed about local freshet conditions, and ensure they have considered plans for moving valuable items, livestock or other items to safe locations if required.
The RDKB warns everyone to stay away from the edges of watercourses and report any erosion or flooding to the Provincial Emergency Coordination Centre at 1-800-663-3456.
The RDKB will continue to update the public as new information is available.
To see a list of addresses, click on this document.
To see the statement in it’s entirety, click here.