Event: Kettle River Watershed Advisory Council Meeting

The next KRWAC meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at Grand Forks Seniors Centre (GF City Park). The morning presentation starts at 9:30 am until noon, the afternoon is from 1:30 pm until 3 pm.

Morning Presentation: Building Climate Resilient Riverscapes and Watersheds through Partnering with Nature. Jeff Anderson will present on his field and educational expertise exploring the critical importance of water stewardship in maintaining healthy ecosystems and sustainable communities. Similar to his presentation at the 2024 Keeping it Rural conference (BC Rural Centre) Jeff will weave his scientific knowledge on river systems into the insights regarding the benefits of supporting natural processes. 

Afternoon Field Tour: Flood mitigation walking tour, Grand Forks (BC). Join us for a walking tour of the newly implemented/in construction flood mitigation infrastructure in Downtown and North Ruckle. We will review and discuss the differences between hard (e.g. rock) vs soft (e.g. vegetation) flood risk reduction measures, with a focus on floodplain naturalization, the pros and cons of these techniques, fish and species at risk impacts and offsetting requirements.

To see the full agenda of the meeting, click here.