Welcome to 2024 and happy new year to all!
As we deal with the recent bitter cold snap, I especially want to thank the ranchers who have worked so hard to tend to animals and deal with severe conditions in order to feed us all. Please know that you are appreciated as always.
As we look ahead into spring and summer, I would encourage everyone to do their best with water conservation as snow pack is currently low and we can each do our part to enjoy water without wasting it.
We also need to be mindful of the upcoming wild fire season. Boundary Community Partners Association will be looking into funding training courses to educate locals how to fight wildfires. BCPA will be consulting with BC Wildfire Service and local firefighters and societies to investigate the best options for training. If you’re interested in learning how to protect yourself and the forest, please email your contact information to:
Sharen Gibbs,
Director, RDKB/E
West Boundary