Director’s Corner: April 2023 Report

Directors Corner

April 2023

This month I was able to attend the Council of Forest Industries that represents the majority of lumber, pulp & paper, and manufactured wood producers across the province, to work to find solutions together through collaborative innovation.  Due to the economic downturn and instability in the forestry sector, many delegates were from local government and several MLA’s and Premier Eby were in attendance to meet with industry leaders.

I also attended the Midway Library AGM which was quite insightful.  They elected a new Board of Directors and are looking for solutions to budget challenges.  The village of Midway and Regional District are contributing to the library, however the library still needs more funds and would welcome any donations from anyone in the community who is financially secure to contribute.  Remember, your membership is free, so please go to the Midway library and sign up and receive a free library card.

Also, the Regional District has employment opportunities for Wildfire Mitigation Specialist and a Landfill Attendant.  You can apply at or go to West Boundary Connect for links that provide further information.

We have passed the vernal equinox, so no matter what the weather looks like, you’ll see calves frolicking in the fields from the highway, and farmers and gardeners are working diligently, so you know spring is here! I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. 

Sharen Gibbs, Director RDKB/E