Boundary Creek Times Outreach to Businesses

Please share with all business owners


With the approaching reopening of B.C. businesses, we at the Boundary Creek Times would like to let the public know who is open in our area, if you have reduced hours, or if you are still closed at this time.

We will be running this feature as a community service at no charge. It will include your business name, contact information, If you are Open, Closed or Available, and your hours. 

I would like to start it for the May 21st paper. I understand that it is very short notice, we would need your info asap no later than Thursday noon. For anyone who does not get in next weeks feature we will be revising each week as we go.

I have attached the page that is running in the Grand Forks Gazette so that you can see how the page will look. To see the page that Darlainea is referencing, click here.

Thank you for your participation. Stay safe.


Darlainea Redlack

Circulation Coordinator

Boundary Creek Times
